How To Empower Your Faith (Genesis 12) | The Genesis Series

Waiting for a promise can feel discouraging if you’ve been waiting for a while. What can we do to remain hopeful?

Tune in to this message as we continue our Genesis Message Series. Raul Mazariego, Thrive Preaching School Student, shares a message of hope and encouragement, teaching us how to keep our faith empowered during those moments of waiting for God’s promises.

Outlast The Flood: Noah And The Ark (Genesis 6-9) | The Genesis Series

Ever felt like you’re caught in a storm with no way out? In life, the hardships we encounter are like storms that often bring chaos and confusion.

This week, Pastor J.B. Lim dives into Genesis 6-9 to explore the famous story of Noah, the ark, and the flood. Learn how to endure life’s storms with faith, and discover how God’s grace and promises can be your anchor during life’s challenges.

Tune in today for this insightful message in our GENESIS series, and learn to stand firm and outlast any storm.

Be A God-Pleasing Worshiper (Genesis 4) | The Genesis Series

Have you heard the saying, 'Comparison is the thief of joy'? Many of us experience jealousy, and when we do, it holds us back from being God-pleasing worshipers. How can we secure our joy and break free from jealousy in life?

Join us as Thrive Preaching School student Carmen Hui shares the latest message in our GENESIS series, teaching us four powerful tools to break free from jealousy. Don’t miss out—tune in today!

When God Made A Home for Us (Genesis 1:1-5) | The Genesis Series

Ever had those days or weeks where life feels empty, formless, or dark? Have hope - God specializes in taking what seems chaotic and filling it with light and purpose!

Tune in this week as Pastor J.B. Lim begins our new series GENESIS. Learn how God never creates anything or anyone without already having a place for it, and how He can turn any messy situation into something good. Don’t miss this powerful message of hope and purpose!