All For One Name

Getting Back Into Running Shape | Your Life Is Worth Living (Ep. 12)

Have you ever felt like your walk with Jesus feels more like running a race? Sometimes, we feel absolutely pumped to live out this faith, but other times, not so much. So, what do we do when our walk with Jesus feels drained, like we’re about to fall off the treadmill at any moment?

Join Thrive Preaching Student Timson Hui as he draws godly insights and new vision from the book of Hebrews to encourage and equip us to stay in the race.

Secure in Your Promise (2 Samuel 7)

What do God’s promises with David in the past mean to us in the present?

As we learn what God speaks to David in the context of his life and leadership of Israel, we can discover just how much God empowers and steadies us today when we face the biggest twists and turns of our lives. Because God keeps His Word, you can be secure in what He says! 

Join Pastor JB as he unveils how God’s promises to King David impacts and blesses each one of us today.